Jul 16, 2011

The Art of Collecting

I hadn't collected much in a few years.  But lately, I have discovered that I really enjoy looking at and using Japanese bowls.  I think that they are lovely.  The intricate designs that swirl around the bowls are pleasant to the eyes.  However, I am not the normal collector of things.  I don't care if I have "odd" ones.  If I only see one of something, I buy it and maybe I will find another one somewhere or maybe not.  If they are all are in the same color group then they blend with each other, at least that is my logic.  Sometime when setting the table I will use two sets of china which are different colors.  It can make the table look very pretty.  Here is what I have found lately:

I only have two of these

Four of this one

One of this

and one of this too

I bought myself a bouqet today and wanted to share it with you.

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