Apr 29, 2012

Arab Spring and Women's Rights: Are We There Yet?

Al Jazeera talks to author Amal Al-Malki about Arab Spring and women's rights.  She feels that Arab Spring has failed women. Arab women have traditionally been portrayed as voiceless and invisible, even in the media.  Women are only seen in Arab Media 1\5 of that of men. In my opinion, this is still a man-run world and will always be that way.  Even here in America, high positions in a majority of companies are held by men. Although there are two Women Presidents in Africa, women's rights are still being held hostage in Arab and African countries. The only thing that Arab Spring did for women is to expose their lack of rights and equality.

This video is from Aljazeera web site and I found it to be very interesting.


  1. Young women are still being forced to marry their rapist in Morocco so that the rapist to protect the woman's family from being "dishonored" and the rapist will marry her so as not to be charged with rape. How barbaric and cruel is that situation for women in Morocco? The latest news story is that a judge forced a 14-year old rape victim to marry the rapist. Everything favors the man.

  2. I just read about that too. I was reading the Bible Sunday and yesterday and there are scriptures in there talking about this very thing. This kind of attitude has been around for literally thousands of years. I am going to write a post about it in a couple of days.I have been so mad that I couldn't write about it yet.

