Mar 10, 2013

Romaine lettuce that reproduces itself and spring

Last week we had over ten inches of snow fall here in Indiana, that event really dampened my spirits a bit.   Once winter settles in, I wait patiently for spring.  The long dreadful nights are hard when one's spirit craves sunlight.  I had read somewhere that romaine lettuce reproduces itself when you place it in water. I used a small canning jar and put enough water in to cover the bottom of the lettuce stem. After a few days  look at the wonderful results.  I wonder how much it will grow?  This is very exciting!  Spring is so very close now.


  1. I made beet juice to drink this week and put the top of the beet in water and have small green leaves growing up, I wonder if I can grow a new beet or just the greens? I'm going to try it with green onions too, maybe Romaine another time.

  2. Let me know what happens. Maybe there are more vegetable out there that reproduce themselves than we know of. I know that onions do. Yesterday I planted the lettuce in some dirt. I am going to let it run its course.

  3. There are lists of those regenerating veggies on Pinterest website. Carrots, celery,and many more.

  4. I had beets just the other day and I have a top growing in water too. Will see what happens. I will check out Pinterest as well. Thanks for the comment.
