Jun 5, 2015

Outdoor Furniture and Ideas

Isn't summer wonderful? I love being outside in a chair with a book and relaxing, which we never have enough time to enjoy the season. In the evening, I like to take walks not only for the exercise but for the scenery. I especially like looking at my neighbors yards. I guess I am a peeping Tom of sorts. Some people have such a creativeness about them that it spills over outdoors.  I've seen wonderful outdoor rooms, enviable ones that look as though they have jumped off the page of a magazine. Most of all they decorate with unconventional items. My next door neighbor told me about a sofa made with skids that she saw while out on a walk. It took me two days to find it and I just love it. The final touch was a burlap bag for back support. I have been saving rice bags with zippers for something like this.  

The skids are about two feet deep, three feet wide and stacked four high. This was placed against the side of the garage with pictures and a carpet. Oh, I have such backyard envy!  

The rest of her yard was just as lovely. There were round seats with bright pillows in the back on both sides of the sofa and a bar in the front. A bar! Can you imagine such luxury outside?

Then my eyes focused on this old sink painted a light green. With shoes as display pieces on top.  This makes me think about what my mother did with a wringer washer a long time ago.  She brought it inside and filled it with dirt. Then planted a variety of plants in it, especially ones that were vine like and eventually spread across the curtains.  I thought that was the most wonderful idea. 


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