May 21, 2012

Duped Again?

A few months ago a young man from Morocco requested that we be friends on my personal Facebook account.  I didn’t know him but I wanted to see what his intentions were.  No word came from him until this past Sunday evening.  After a long day at work and then dinner with friends, I came home and got on line to see what was happening with my friends and family.  Within a matter of minutes he had sent me an instant message.  He started out with the usual greetings that one makes when greeting another.  I told him my history with my ex-husband.  I wrote to him in French, so that there wouldn’t be any misunderstandings.  Nothing of what I told him registered in his mind.  Before I knew it he was saying that I was cute, I have lovely eyes, and I look young despite my age of 51.  He said that he wanted to have children with me. I told him that he needs a young Muslim girl to have children with.  “No, I would like to have a child with you,” he said. 

I felt like a gazelle that was being hunted by a lion. He was going for the kill. I quickly ended the conversation. His intentions were very apparent.  I could feel the rage coming from deep within. How dare this man assume that I am old and desperate!!! I was offended by his seemingly lack of respect.  People are very disappointing.  Where are the good people?  I think that it is a myth to believe that good will triumph over evil.


  1. There is some good out there for sure, But I agree with this post I have facebook invites from strangers often...Moroccan to different Arabic countries. One said accept me, if you want to get married lol I wrote to him no thanks I got one Moroccan husband I don’t need a second lol

    When I show this to my husband he get believe how some are bad out there.
    Isabelle Yasmina

  2. cant beliece sorry typo

  3. What I don't understand is where do these people see me on Facebook? I have just received another friend request. OMGoodness.

  4. Good will triumph over evil in the end, I am sure of that... I have a feeling that your ex directed that man your way. I am getting requests on Yahoo Messenger several times a week now, some from Morocco and also ones with Spanish or French names, all those languages are spoken in Morocco depending on the person's education level and where they live (French speakers are more common in Rabat and Spanish in the northern areas). I wouldn't put it past my ex to have sent them my way as a way to "ease" his conscience. I only opened up a FB account after we broke up and he has my old messenger address. I think there's no coincidence about it.

  5. I was also getting requests on my Yahoo Messenger account too. Oh well, I hope that good will triumph over evil, if not, I will be very upset in the end.
