Apr 7, 2012

Sheikh Abdul-Bari Zamzami Controversy in Morocco

There is an Imam in Morocco who is infamous for several Islamic sexual fatwa's that he has issued in recent years.  The man is Sheikh Zamzami.  Just recently, I read an article about him allowing women to use root vegetables or kitchen implements, or bottles to relieve sexual tension if she is unmarried, widowed, or has no hope for marriage.  I was shocked when I read this. Actually, I brought the article to work to see what my co-workers reaction would be and most were speechless.  Zamzami is a supporter of sex shops and sex toys.  This kind of stuff is hard to wrap my head around since he is a religious leader.  One always thinks that a religious man would be on the verge of divine, but I am going to have to re-think what I believe about these people.  Not only is he in favor of sex toys, etc...but if a mans wife dies he is allowed to still have sex with her.  Of course she has to be "fresh" when it comes to being dead. Reading this really blew my mind.  What man would want to have intercourse with a corpse?  Oh, I forgot, we are talking about men. Some may like the idea, but I find it repulsive. I know that this is not the view of all Moroccans or muslims.  My question is: When a religious person goes public with these wayside kinds of notions, how do the people of Morocco feel or how do muslims in general react to this? 


  1. Two different corpses have been dug up and violated in a cemetery in Sale in recent years. One was a young unmarried lady and another a girl. I don't think sexually frustrated youth need to hear that it's OK to have sex with a corpse.

    Considering all of the the social problems that Morocco is having and this Imam dwells on sex. He is seeking publicity. Sign of the times.

  2. I totally agree that it is a sign of the times.

  3. hummmm my husband and I talked about this just the other day for us we feel thats discusting and dont agree,
    personaly im muslim and i just believe whats in the Coran and not the Imams...to me they are humman how can they make up rules as they go. Isabelle Yasmina

  4. Thanks Isabelle for the comment. I totally agree with you. This man has severe sexual problems.

  5. as a Muslim i feel it's absolutely disgusting. Using food for sexual pleasure? Sex with a corpse? That's disgusting!

    its better to have people think you are an idiot, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt...!!!

  6. A person need not have any religious affiliation will know that this man has sexual issues. My question is this: Why cannot people think for themselves about things? Must we always be guided by another?

  7. I wandered upon your blog (I'm not entirely sure how.) I must say, this is not a man vs woman issue, but perverse and sick mentality towards women. No man in their right mind would ever have sex with a corpse or animal. There's a lot of disgusting people out there of both genders. I will say, without divulging too much information, that I know for a fact that sex with animals is quite commonplace in places like Afghanistan. There's a lot of upstanding people in every country, but some of the backwater villages have a lot of, ahem, lonely men. Not a big step to go from animals to corpses.

